Clever Idea How To Consolidate My Credit Card Debit To Make One Payment With a Lower Interest
Elena writes:
"I earnestly wish to consolidate my credit card debit to make one payment with a lower interest, so I can pay this debit off more timely and not just be paying on interest and finance charges. This loan would also assist in paying medical bills from my pregnancy. I learned about Prosper from an evening news segment and it truly fascinated me – I wanted to journey this road if open to me. This is my second request and to those who bid on my first request, I am extremely grateful and wish I could thank you personally!"
You still havent got a clue what this about? It's a quote from description of Elena's inquiry for a loan at Prosper Marketplace.
She asked for $20,000.00 @ 11.00%, and by the time I stumbled upon this page she already got 73% funded - so my guestimate is what she'll get what she wants.
Quite an interesting resource, check it out - as Time Magazine put it, "for those more used to the Internet age, think of it as eBay meets your neighborhood bank."